1/2 2024: Thoughts, Poems, and My Notes Apps
May 25, 2024
In my midyear review my "2024 Song Ideas" notes page, I felt the need to turn some of my inner thoughts into short pieces of writing (poems, if you so please).
We don't talk about the weather, but we analyze the sky
and wonder if the clouds are cotton candy that can fly.
You know that we're American when we're looking at the stars
and point to the big dipper like the talent's only ours.
You are the person I look for in a crowd. . . it's worth it every time.
You undo me like the spring
I feel lightness in your curly hair
Enough to dance in the rain
Lift your head and hear me sing
I would give up my time finding closers
And use up all my luck just to hold you closer
I put you on a shelf
and think about you when I leave the house.
You don't just sit there when I'm out but I like to think you do.
I worry you might fall or need something or forget about me.
But you are content, wandering around my room when I am gone, picking through the pieces of my past.
Your colors and skin lose color, changing in brilliance
aging in the dim lights that I turn up when I get home.
I don't notice that you are changing
You will forever look how you did on the first day that I put you up there,
It's not until you jump off the shelf and fall on my head
that you were sturdier than me.
I am cracked, but somehow end up putting you back on the shelf
While a piece of me lays on the floor.
I hate when people clap when a pilot lands a plane: it seems like a necessary standard.
Pick me like a daffodil on the first of spring,
Unexpected temptation.
Admire my colors and breathe me in
Sometimes saying "you're always welcome" is not enough.
There are always exceptions to "always"
I overthink them
I light a cigarette just to stare at the smoke: it's unpredictable and free
You breathe me in when you hug me
As if you're trying to take some of my pain away
Or trying to hold on to the smell of the moment.
I have been in search of this perfect resting place: it feels like this could be one of them.